The best books regarding German WWII militay radio are in German Language.
Fritz Trenkle was one of the most expert of Third Reich Radios. His books, unfortunately now out of print, describe German Military Radio technolgy using original AEG and Telefunken documents. These books sometimes can be purchased on Ebay

  • Fritz Trenkle “Die deutschen Funknachrichtanlagen bis 1945 - band 1”
  • Fritz Trenkle “Die deutschen Funknachrichtanlagen bis 1945 - band 2”
  • Fritz Trenkle “Die deutschen Funknachrichtanlagen bis 1945 - band 3”
  • Fritz Trenkle “Die deutschen Funkstörverfahren bis 1945”
  • Fritz Trenkle “Die deutschen Funklenkverfahren bis 1945”
  • Fritz Trenkle “Die deutschen Funkpeil- und -Horch-Verfahren bis 1945”
  • Fritz Trenkle “Die deutschen Funkführungsverfahren bis 1945”
  • Fritz Trenkle “Bordfunkgeräte Vom Funksender zum Bordradar”
  • Fritz Trenkle: “Die deutschen Funknavigations- und -Funkführungsverfahren bis 1945”
  • Fritz Trenkle “Die deutschen Funkmeßverfahren bis 1945”
Regarding Würzburg Radar the Best Book was written by Arthur Bauer. This book can be download at the following link :
  • Arthur O. Bauer “Deckname Würzburg The technical history of the Würzburg radar system (1937 - 1945)”
Unfortunately the books in English language have very poor quality :
  • Pierre Metsu “Les Matèrials Radio de la Wehrmacht, German Radios Sets 1935-1945” : photographic book with some information written in French and English
  • Charles J. Barger “Communications Equipment of the German Army 1933-1945” : Collection of US User Manuals for reuse captured German Radios
  • Charles J. Barger “Radio Equipment of Third Reich 1933-1945 : Collection of US User Manuals for reuse captured German Radios
  • Alois Vesely & Frantisek Koran “Wireless for the Wehrmacht in Detail”: Soft-cover picture booklet